How can I join an (open) event?
Depending on the type of event, there are several ways to enter the event. Usually the organizer will publish a link, either on his website or via mail.

For open events this link has the form:

After opening the link you are first known as a guest in the system and now you have the possibility to complete your profile and set an email address or password.
I am being asked to register for the Event? (Registration)
Some events require prior registration.

In this case the link has the form:

After sending the form you are known in the system as a participant.
I already registered with the Organizor? (Pre-Registration)
In other cases, pre-registration has already taken place and the organizer will send you a personal link, usually by email.

In this case the link has the form:

If the organizer did not send you a complete link, but only the "supersecretcode", this must be inserted into the input field on You will then be redirected to the event.
I am having problems joining the Event on my device.
In this case it is difficult to give a specific answer.

Especially if participants try to log in from the company's internal network, problems may occur. Reasons for this can be very restrictive firewall settings on the part of the company, but also outdated hardware can be the underlying cause.

Cookie blockers can also be a problem, as CrowdPal needs cookies to ensure functionality.

As a general rule, however, it already helps participants to switch to another end device, be it to a tablet or the mobile phone.

To avoid problems with the restrictive corporate network, it may be helpful to use only the phone's internet connection ("mobile hotspot") and have it shared with the notebook/tablet, for example.

If you still need further help, please feel free to contact us.
How can I change my profile information?
In the upper right corner you can access your profile. After opening the dialog, you will find two controls "Edit" and "Account".

Under "Edit" you can change information such as name, first name, position, website, etc. Under Account you will find the security related information, i.e. the email address associated with your account and your password.
How can I join a session?
Depending on the event, several or possibly only one continuous session exist. The menu item "Program" (may have a different name depending on the event!) leads you to a graphical overview of the scheduled sessions.

A click on the session of your choice will give you an overview of its and speakers etc.. Click on the button "Join session" to join the session directly.
How can I ask questions during a session?
[Mobile phone:]
If you have already joined the session, there are two views (live stream and interaction) that you can switch between using the button in the upper right corner (under profile).

Depending on the session, other options may be unlocked by the organizer in the "Interaction View".
You should find a "CREATE" button in the bar at the bottom - questions can be asked here.

How can I take part in surveys during a session?
[Mobile phone:]
If you have already joined the session, there are two views (live stream and interaction) that you can switch between using the button in the upper right corner (under profile).

Depending on the session, other options may be unlocked by the organizer in the "Interaction View".
You should find a "SURVEYS" button in the bar at the bottom - this is where you can take part in surveys.