“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

Albert Einstein

Our Services.

We help you reach your goals from planning to publishing.


.. with our partners we accompany you throughout Europe from the planning to the realization to the publishing of your event.

After all: It is with our partners that we improve the most.


We can help you make the right choices depending on the size and goals you plan to achieve with your event - because details matter.

We will prepare an offer for you, according to your ideas, needs and budget.


Are you eager to see quick results? So are we.

Shortly after receiving a minimal set of data, we are able to showcase a first version of your app.


After a short training, you or a CrowdPal technician will fill your app with content.

We are digital experts with an affinity towards new tools and exciting technologies - you can count on us.


There are numerous ways to access your Event: From personalized Access Codes or custom Registration Forms to completely unrestricted access.

We will help you choose the right path for your use case.


Once you are happy with the looks and structure of your Event App it is about time to take the final step:

Publishing and delivering to your attendees!

Get in touch now and request a demo!

Every event is unique: Live, Hybrid, Virtual - we deliver your digital companion.

CrowdPal: Your interactive EventApp

Built with passion & intuitiveness in mind. Engage your audience.

Chrome iPad